Before I started MMA training at the Shindo club I was unfit and really overweight at 94 kgs. Within eight months of training I had my first fight and I had dropped to my fighting weight which is now 70 kgs. I’m now fitter than I have ever been and feel great – MMA training has changed my life.



Before I joined Shindo MMA I had trained in a few different martial art styles over the years and had already earned my Black Belt. When I started training with Rob at Shindo, I soon realised that I had found a superior style and one that really suited me. Rob’s wealth of experience and dedication to his students is second to none and the results speak for themselves. Since commencing training my fitness and skills have improved out of sight and I have lost over 20kg.



MMA isn’t just about fighting, it’s much more and at Shindo Sunshine Coast I have learnt that. Thanks to Shindo I have learned new MMA skills, learned how to fight, defend, win and push myself harder than I thought possible. I have gained friendships that will last a life time, and also reached a level of fitness others dream of. So don’t just dream about it, do something positive and join Shindo Sunshine Coast!!!


Since joining Shindo MMA I have improved a number of components in my life – body, mind and soul. Prior to joining Shindo, I mainly did weight routines in the Gym which became quite repetitive. I am now 32 years old and am the fittest I have ever been. I am constantly learning new skills and techniques and have developed an appreciation of mixed martial arts. At first I began training purely for fitness reasons, however with my growing respect for the competitors in this sport, I am now looking to become involved competitively. I recommend this to everyone looking to improve both fitness and MMA techniques.